Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Tired but wired? 

Are you tired during the day but wired at night? Do you have trouble falling asleep or wake during the night and can’t go back to sleep? Sleeping pills may provide a short-term solution but there are natural alternatives that can create long lasting change.

Current research indicates that up to 30–50 percent of the general population is affected by acute (short-term) insomnia at any given time, and up to 10 percent have chronic insomnia that lasts more than several months. 

Having insomnia is another way of saying that you can’t fall or stay asleep. There are many factors that might be the root of insomnia such as not having a regular sleep-wake cycle, eating an unhealthy diet, chronic pain, emotional stress and more recently the overuse of screens and mobile devices. 

Image result for natural sleep chamomile
Everybody struggles to get a good night’s sleep now and then, but insomnia is an ongoing problem that causes sleep disruption. The impact of insomnia includes day time fatigue, physical and mental problems, moodiness, and an inability to concentrate. 

So how can a Naturopath help? My top 3 strategies for naturally improving sleep include changing the diet, creating a new bedtime routine and using essential oils and herbal support.

Diet: A common issue for many people is overeating too late in the evening, giving the body too much food to digest into the evening. By eating early and lighter, this allows the body to digest the last meal before you are ready for bed. Also, stimulants should be avoided as they frequently mess with the body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. 

Bedtime Routine: Many people have simply created unhealthy habits that are not conducive of a healthy night sleep. I recommend all my clients to put away their phones and screens 1 hour before their intended sleep time to avoid overstimulation and create a quiet space before bed. Reading a book, writing a journal or simply having a shower are much more relaxing options to prepare you for a good night’s sleep. 

Image result for lavenderEssential Oils and Herbs: There are a range of oils and herbs that are widely researched for their benefit with relaxation and sleep, and my top 2 favourites are lavender and chamomile. Lavender essential oil is a great sleep aid that can be massaged onto your feet before bed or add 1-2 drops on a cotton ball under your pillow. Chamomile is great to have as a herbal tea an hour before bedtime. 

There are many other options that can be implemented to overcome insomnia, and by seeing a Naturopath, we can assess your unique symptoms and create an individualised wellness plan to support you through these changes as well as providing quality supplements to support you naturally. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

What can I expect from a Naturopathic Consult?

A naturopathic consult is a one on one appointment with a qualified Naturopath to improve your wellbeing naturally. 

Naturopathy can be used to improve a variety of common chronic health conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergies, sinusitis, headaches, migraines, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, endometriosis,  polycystic ovarian syndrome, stomach pain, digestive issues, stiff achy muscles, joint pain, back pain, arthritis, poor circulation, anaemia, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, sleep irregularities,  insomnia, snoring, weight gain, and high cholesterol. Naturopathy is also valuable for acute health conditions such as colds, coughs, fever, and infections (bacterial, fungal, viral). 

The Initial Consult: 60 -90 minutes

·     Prior to the consultation you will be sent a detailed questionnaire that covers your health history, current signs and symptoms, medication and supplements currently being taken and an overview of your diet and lifestyle. 
·     This questionnaire helps to shape the direction of the consult and indicates areas that need more clarity and attention.  
·     During the consult, we will discuss your health concerns and goals, investigate all relevant areas of your body systems and carry out physical examinations as needed (temperature, blood pressure, ears/nose/throat/eyes/nails…)
·     Any previous pathology results may also be requested and/or viewed in the consultation
·     After the consult, time and research are invested to craft an individualised wellness plan to address your current needs for the next 4-6 weeks. 
·     The wellness plan will be emailed to you within 7 days and we will schedule a 20 minute phone call to go over the plan together.
·     After 2 weeks, you will receive a friendly follow up call to check in with your progress and to schedule a follow up consult in a few more weeks. 

The Wellness Plan:This is carefully crafted for you based on your current health and your goals. A detailed cover letter is written summarising the focus of the treatment. The wellness plan includes:

·     Specific nutrition advise with guidelines and recipes 
·     Specific herbs, essential oils and/or supplements to take with instructions for use. These are carefully assessed for any interaction or contraindications.
·     Lifestyle advice such as exercise and stress reduction techniques to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing
·     Relevant handouts with helpful info and advice. 

Follow Up Consult: 30-45 mins
·     We usually schedule this 4-6 weeks after you began following the wellness plan.
·     We assess how the wellness plan is going noting any changes in symptoms, discussing the benefits and challenges.
·     Diet and supplementation is reassessed for effectiveness and adjusted as required. 
·     Relevant physical examinations are also performed if required. 
·     An updated wellness plan will be emailed within 7 days to continue on for 4-6 weeks. 

Will I need supplements?
Some clients benefit hugely by starting nutritional supplements but we only prescribe them when and if they are needed. Herbs, supplements and essential oils can be posted or picked up from the clinic. 

It is important to note that we are very happy to work alongside your current GP and health care professionals. We believe that integration between Practitioners and modalities is how our clients get the best outcome!